50 Fascinating Case Studies Volume III

K P Misra

ISBN: 9788125032069 | Year: 2007 | Paperback | Pages: 128 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: World

Price: 325.00

About the Book

This is the third in this series of books: it has several advanced cases in cardiology. It consists of fifty interesting cases in Clinical Cardiology, and is a useful aid for self-learning.

For the first time, 64-slice CT angio pictures have been included (colour pictures). This is a very recent imaging method and no other book has these images.

The author plans to bring out more books in this series.

Contributors (Author(s), Editor(s), Translator(s), Illustrator(s) etc.)

Dr Misra is a renowned senior cardiologist. He is currently Senior Consultant in Apollo Hospital, Chennai. He has trained over 10,000 doctors in ECG. He travels across India to deliver lectures in ECG.
