Structural Analysis: A Unified Approach

D S Prakash Rao

ISBN: 9788173710278 | Year: 1996 | Paperback | Pages: 672 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: WORLD

Price: 1075.00

About the Book

This book presents a unified approach to the analysis of structures by combining classical and matrix methods of analysis. It is designed to provide a thorough understanding of the basic concepts of structural analysis and to develop intuitive perception in students. Several simplifying analytical techniques taught in European schools are discussed here. The advantages and limitations of various methods, and the differences in their approaches are discussed in detail.

Contributors (Author(s), Editor(s), Translator(s), Illustrator(s) etc.)

Table of Content


  1. Structural  indeterminacy
  2. Energy principles
  3. Deflections in statically determinate beams
  4. Deflections in statically determinate trusses
  5. Statically indeterminate beams
  6. Statically indeterminate trusses
  7. Statically indeterminate frames
  8. Iterative methods
  9. Approximate methods
  10. Symmetry and antimetry
  11. Deflections in indeterminate structures
  12. Cables and arches
  13. Influence lines for determinate structures
  14. Influence lines for statically indeterminate structures
  15. Rolling loads
  16. Space trusses
  17. Column analogy
  18. Matrix methods
  19. Matrix analysis of indeterminate trusses
  20. Matrix analysis of indeterminate beams
  21. Matrix analysis of frames


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