
G L David Krupadanam;D Vijaya Prasad;K Varaprasad Rao;K L N Reddy;C Sudhakar

ISBN: 9788173713866 | Year: 2001 | Paperback | Pages: 168 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: WORLD

Price: 475.00

About the Book

Drugs have played a central role in the progress of human civilization. There are many important stages before a compound is used as a drug to treat a disease. This  book deals with the historical aspects of the development and use  of drugs, vitamins, hormones; their classification, synthesis and formulation; and  the  general  principles of drug actions.  The  pharmacokinetics,  the interaction  of drugs in the targeted receptor, and mode of drug  synthesis  is explained in detail.

Contributors (Author(s), Editor(s), Translator(s), Illustrator(s) etc.)

G L David Krupaddanam, PhD (Osmania) is Professor of Organic chemistry in the department of
Chemistry, Osmania University. He has more than two decades of postgraduate teaching
experience and has over 100 research publications to his credit.

D Vijaya Prasad, PhD (Osmania) is Reader and Head, Department of chemistry at New
Government Degree College, Khairatabad, Hyderabad, and has more than 30 years
of teaching experience.

K Varaprasad Rao, PhD (Osmania) is a Reader in Chemistry at New Science College, Ameerpet,
Hyderabad, with 20 Years of teaching experience. He is also the author of the widely used Atlas
of Organic Reactions.

K L N Reddy, PhD (Osmania) has eighteen years of teaching experience and is a lecturer
at New Government Degree college, Khairatabad, Hyderabad.

C Sudhakar, MSc (Osmania) has more than a decade of experience in undergraduate teaching
and is a now a Lecturer in Chemistry at New Government Degree College, Khairatabad,
Hyderabad. Earlier, he was a process Development Chemist at UNILOIDS and SOL

Table of Content

1.1 The requirements of an ideal drug
1.2 Sources of drugs
1.2.1 Plant origin drugs
1.2.2 Animal origin drugs
1.2.3 Synthetic drugs
1.2.4 Biotechnology
1.2.5 Human gene therapy
1.3 Historical evolution of drugs
1.4 Terminology and description of the terms
1.4.1 Pharmacology
1.4.2 Pharmacy
1.4.3 Molecular pharmacology
1.4.4 Medicinal chemistry
1.4.5 Nomenclature
1.5 Pharmacokinetics
1.5.1 Absorption
1.5.2 Distribution
1.5.3 Metabolism
1.5.4 Excretion
1.6 Pharmacodynamics
1.6.1 Receptors
1.6.2 Protein receptors
1.6.3 DNA as receptors
1.7 Metabolites and ant metabolites
1.7.1 Metabolites
1.7.2 Antimetabolites
1.8 Pharmacophore
1.9 Bacteria
1.9.1 Structure of a typical bacterial cell
1.9.2 Gram stain
1.9.3 Importance of bacteria
1.10 Fungi
1.11 Viruses
1.12 Mutations
2. Pharmacodynamic agents
2.1 Classification of drugs- criteria
2.2 Structure – activity relationship (SAR) in drugs
2.3 Drugs acting on the central nervous system (CNS)
2.3.1 Non selective CNS depressants Anaesthetics Sedatives and hypnotics Antipyretics Analgesics
2.3.2 Non selective CNS stimulants Analeptics Anxiolytics Antipressants Psychotomimetics (Hallucinogens)
2.3.3 Selective modifiers of CNS Anticonvulsants Antitussives Antiparkinsonian drugs Neuroleptics
2.4 Drugs acting on the peripheral nervous system (PNS)
2.4.1 Sympathetic nervous system Adrenergic stimulants Adrenergic blocking agents
2.4.2 Parasympathetic nervous system Cholinergic drugs Anticholinergic drugs
2.5 Drugs acting on the cardiovascular system
2.5.1 Antihypertensive drugs
2.5.2 Anti – arrythmic drugs
2.5.3 Cardiotonic drugs
2.5.4. Vasodilators
2.5.5 Antithypercholesterolemic drugs
2.6 Drugs acting on the hematopoietic system
2.6.1 Anticoagulant and coagulant drugs Anticoagulant drugs Coagulant drugs
2.6.2 Anti anemic drugs
2.7 Drugs acting on the renal system
2.7.1 Nephron
2.7.2 Purine or xanthine diuretics
2.7.3 Aldosterone inhibitors
2.7.4 High ceiling diuretics or loop diuretics
2.7.5 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
2.7.6 Thiazide diuretics
3. Vitamins, hormones and synthetic drugs
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Vitamins: a class of nutrients
3.2.1 Classification of vitamins
3.2.2 Structure, biochemical functions
3.3 Hormones: the chemical messengers
3.4 Synthetic and natural drugs
3.5 Synthetic drugs
3.5.1 Sulphanilamide: an example of a sulpha drug
3.5.2 Paracetamol (Acetaminophen)
3.5.3 Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid)
3.5.4 Oil of Wintergreen
3.5.5 Mephensin: a muscle relaxant
3.5.6 Ibuprofen: an anti inflammatory drug
3.5.7 L- dopa – Cures Parkinson’s disease
3.5.8 Albuterol (Salbutamol): a bronchodilator
3.5.9 Analgin
3.5.10 Metoclopramide: an anti- emetic drug
3.5.11 Chloroquine: an antimalarial drug
3.5.12 Chlorpromazine: an antipsychotic agent
3.5.13 Phenobarbital: a barbiturate
3.5.14 Omeprazole: an anti- ulcer drug
3.5.15 Nifedipine
3.5.16 Ciprofloxacin: an antibacterial drug
3.6 Natural drugs
3.6.1 Penicillin: a group of antibiotics
3.6.2 Production and isolation of penicillin
Appendix: Vitamin B12
4. Formulation of drugs
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Need for the conversion of drugs into medicine
4.3 Additives and their role
4.4 Classification
4.4.1 Route- wise dosage forms
4.4.2 Form – wise dosage forms
4.5 Solid dosage forms
4.5.1 Tablets
4.5.2 Capsules Hard gelatin capsules Soft gelatin capsules
4.6 Liquid dosage forms
4.6.1 Parenterals (Injectables) Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
4.6.2 Liquid oral dosage forms Syrups Suspensions
4.7 Semi – solid dosage forms
4.7.1 Ointments
4.7.2 Creams
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