Analytical Solid Geometry

S Pirzada;T A Chishti

ISBN: 9788173715808 | Year: 2007 | Paperback | Pages: 336 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: World

Price: 395.00

About the Book

This books brings to life the mathematics of perfect solid structures with a special emphasis on difficulties felt by students in imagining three-dimensional solids.

The contents of this book cover a one-year course in Analytical Solid Geometry for BSc (mathematics) students and will be of great use to Civil Engineering, Architecture and Computer Science students in their Applied Mathematics course.

The book is rich in exercise problems and solved examples.

Contributors (Author(s), Editor(s), Translator(s), Illustrator(s) etc.)

Dr S Pirzada recipient of the DST (J and K) Young Scientist award, is Associate Professor of Mathematics at University of Kashmir. He obtained his PhD in Applied Mathematics from Aligarh Muslim University. His field of research is Graph Theory.

Dr T A Chishti has obtained his PhD in Applied Mathematics from Aligarh Muslim University and is at present a faculty at Centre for Distance Education, University of Kashmir. His field of research is Functional Analysis.

Table of Content

Straight Line
Change of Axes
Central Conicoids
Plane Sections of a Conicoid
Generating Lines
General Equations of Second Degree
Confocal Conicoids
Systems of Conicoids
General Surfaces

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