Bioinformatics and Bioprogramming in C

L N Chavali

ISBN: 9788173716485 | Year: 2009 | Paperback | Pages: 224 | Language : English

Book Size: 158 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: World

Price: 715.00

About the Book

With the flood of information originating from genome sequencing projects, biology is being transformed from a laboratory-based science into an information science. Now, a stage has been reached where students and scholars of biology cannot study or carry out research in biology without using the tools of computers and bioinformatics—tools which an ordinary biologist may not be proficient in.

Bioinformatics and Bioprogramming in C is designed to introduce C language to the biology, biochemistry, microbiology and biotechnology community as a tool for solving biological problems. To help in understanding the concepts, most of the terminology used is biocentric and the programs written help in real-life problems like gene sequence analysis and prediction.

The book moves gradually from simple ideas to more complex programming concepts, thus equipping the reader to comprehend the case studies on dynamic programming and PAM matrices included at the end.

Special Features
• The programs in the book are all bio-centric.
• Hands-on approach
• Has already been prescribed as a textbook in Osmania University for bioinformatics students

Contributors (Author(s), Editor(s), Translator(s), Illustrator(s) etc.)

L N Chavali has over 20 years of progressive engineering and IT experience. He has contributed to the design and development of leading edge technologies and complex IT applications in different domains for global customers using state-of-the art processes. Currently he is a visiting faculty at Osmania University teaching students of bioinformatics.

Table of Content

Basic Terminology
Statements and Control Flow
Character Input and Output
Data Structures
Case Studies

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