Introduction to Organization Theory: Structure and Design of Organizations

Sanghamitra Bhattacharyya

ISBN: 9788173717376 | Year: 2011 | Paperback | Pages: 208 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: World

Price: 675.00

About the Book

Introduction to Organization Theory is a textbook for students and scholars of business management, aspiring to be practicing managers in the corporate world. It introduces them to the concept of organization theory, structure and design. The focus is on the structure and design of organizations, the theories underlying the design of structures, the effectiveness of organizational design in ensuring organizational survival and growth, and the management of organizational restructuring and change to prevent corporate decline and failure. Most standard textbooks on organizational theory currently in use are by foreign authors, and cite predominantly US or European examples. To address this lacuna, at least two Indian case studies have been discussed in each chapter and numerous examples of Indian organizations and their experiences have been included to explain concepts and theories.

Contributors (Author(s), Editor(s), Translator(s), Illustrator(s) etc.)

Sanghamitra Bhattacharyya was formerly Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras. She holds a BE in Metallurgy and is an FPM in Behavioral Sciences from IIM Calcutta. She is currently working with Feedback Foundation, a consulting organization in the development sector.

Table of Content

Chapter 1: Understanding Organizations Organizational Insight 1.1 What is an Organization? 1.2 Definitions 1.3 Organization Theory: A Historical Perspective 1.4 Different Forms of Organizational Reality 1.5 Why do Organizations Exist? 1.6 Viewing Organizations from an Open systems Perspective 1.7 Viewing Organizations from a Life cycle Perspective Chapter Summary Review Questions Project Assignment Case Illustration: Helping Hands Critical enquiry Chapter 2: Organizational Effectiveness Organizational Insight 2.1 What is Organizational Effectiveness? 2.2 Approaches for Measuring Organizational Effectiveness Chapter Summary Review Questions Project Assignment Case Illustration: A Study in Effectiveness—IIT, Madras Critical enquiry Chapter 3: Organization Structure Organizational Insight 3.1 What is Organization Structure? 3.2 Dimensions of Organization Structure 3.3 Organizational Configurations: Types of Organizational Structures Chapter Summary Review Questions Project Assignment Case Illustration: Synergy in Design Critical enquiry Chapter 4: Organizational Strategy Organizational Insight 4.1 The Strategy Imperative 4.2 What is Strategy? 4.3 Levels of Strategy 4.4 Strategic Dimensions 4.5 The Strategy–Structure Relationship 4.6 The Size Imperative 4.7 The industry–strategy–structure relationship Chapter summary Review questions Project Assignment Case illustration: CMC Limited Critical enquiry Chapter 5: Organizational Environment Organizational Insight 5.1 What is environment? 5.2 Sources of environmental uncertainty 5.3 Structural responses to environmental uncertainty 5.4 Environment–Structure relationship 5.5 Organizational Strategies for Managing Environmental Uncertainties: Resource Dependence Theory Chapter Summary Review Questions Project Assignment Case Illustration: Environmental Challenges for HRSL Critical enquiry Chapter 6: Technology in Organizations Organizational Insight 6.1 What is technology? 6.2 Technology–Structure Studies 6.3 Technology–Structure Relationship 6.4 Social network technology, knowledge management and organization design Chapter Summary Review Questions Project Assignment Case Illustration: Bharti-Airtel Critical enquiry Chapter 7: Organizational Culture Organizational Insight 7.1 Defining Organizational Culture 7.2 Functions of Organizational Culture 7.3 Types of Organizational Cultures 7.4 Strength of Organizational Culture 7.5 Creating, Transmitting and Sustaining Organizational Culture 7.6 Situational Factors affecting Management of Organizational Culture 7.7 Culture’s Effect on Structure Chapter Summary Review Questions Project Assignment Case Illustration: Cultural Transformation at Fortis-Malar Hospital Critical enquiry Chapter 8: Organizational Failure Organizational Insight 8.1 What is Organizational Failure or Decline? 8.2 Organizational Ecology 8.3 Why do Organizations Fail? 8.4 Patterns of Organizational Failures 8.5 Implications for Managers Chapter Summary Review Questions Project Assignment Case Illustration: Peugeot leaves India Critical enquiry Chapter 9: Managing Organizational Change Organizational Insight 9.1 Why do Organizations need to Change? 9.2 The Changing Paradigm of Organizational Design 9.3 Creating Organizational Readiness for Change: Role of Power, Politics and Conflict Management 9.4 Change Leadership 9.5 Approaches to Change Management 9.6 Creating a Learning Organization Chapter Summary Review Questions Project Assignment Case Illustration: Downsizing in a manufacturing organization Critical enquiry References Index

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