Squaring the Circle: Seven Steps to Indian Renaissance

APJ Abdul Kalam;Arun Tiwari

ISBN: 9788173718915 | Year: 2013 | Paperback | Pages: 304 | Language : English

Book Size: 158 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: World

Price: 715.00

About the Book

Dr Kalam calls for an Indian Renaissance, which he describes in seven steps involving the common people of the land, and in particular, the youth. He urges people to arise out of servitude to a vested ruling class, awake from the slumber of a passive democracy, and advance to manifest our destiny of a developed nation. He recommends that by turning inward and listening to the voice of our conscience, we can live a virtuous life and thereby build a strong and secure India.

Contributors (Author(s), Editor(s), Translator(s), Illustrator(s) etc.)

Dr A P J Abdul Kalam, former President of India, and the author of ‘Wings of Fire’

Prof Arun Tiwari, coauthor of this book, also coauthored‘Wings of Fire’

Table of Content


The Story of Socrates
We Are All One
Truth and Reconciliation
Beyond Narrow Domestic Walls
A World View is a Lens
Ignited Minds
Know Thyself
Social Enterprise
Good to Great
Re-energizing Relations
Strength respects Strength
Work, Bread, Water and Salt for All
Livable Planet

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