Basic Electrical Engineering

N K De, Dipu Sarkar

ISBN: 9788173719448 | Year: 2015 | Paperback | Pages: 484 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: World

Price: 715.00

About the Book

This introductory textbook on basic electrical engineering provides a firm foundation to the basic concepts of electrical circuits and systems. The material in the book can be considered in three parts—electric circuits (dc and ac), field parts (magnetic and electric), and electrical machines. Beginning with the fundamental concepts of electricity and electrical elements, it provides a balanced coverage of dc and ac electric circuits and electrical machines. The principles of operation of transformers, dc machines, both generator and motor including three-phase induction motors, as well as synchronous ac machines, both generator and motor, are covered in great detail. The book includes a fair number of solved illustrative examples and exercises, carefully designed to give the reader sufficient help in assimilating concepts and applying them to practical situations. The contents of the book meet the curriculum requirements of the first year undergraduate engineering programme prescribed in India.

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Contributors (Author(s), Editor(s), Translator(s), Illustrator(s) etc.)

N K De, , formerly a faculty member in the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur (1968–2007), and Principal, Narula Institute of Technology (NIT), Agarpara, Kolkata (2007–09), is now a visiting professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT. He has more than forty-two years of teaching and research experience. Besides several research papers in well-known journals, he is the co-author of Electric Drives and Problems in Electrical Machines and Electric Drives, both published by Prentice Hall, India.

Dipu Sarkar is presently a faculty member in the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Nagaland. Earlier, he had taught in the Department of Electrical engineering, Narula Institute of Technology, Agarpara, Kolkata, for ten years (2003–2013). His area of specialisation is power systems, and his research interests lie in power systems operation and control, voltage stability, network reconfiguration, smart grid and applications of soft computing techniques to power engineering.

Table of Content


1 Introduction

1.1 Ohm’s Law

1.2 Series and Parallel Connection of Resistors

Multiple Choice Type Questions


2 DC Circuits

2.1 Definition of Basic Terms Used in DC Circuits

2.2 Kirchhoff’s Laws

2.3 Loop Current Method

2.4 Nodal Voltage Method

2.5 Circuit Theorems

2.5.1 Superposition Principle

2.5.2 Star–Delta Conversion

2.5.3 Thevenin’s Theorem

2.6 Types of Energy Sources

2.7 Conversion of a Real Voltage Source into a Real Current Source

2.8 Some Other Basic Theorems

2.8.1 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem

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3 DC Transients

3.1 Transients in R-L Circuits

3.2 Transients in R-C Circuits

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4 Alternating Quantities and Phasor Algebra

4.1 Generation of Sinusoidal (ac) Waveform

4.2 Average and RMS Values of Periodic Voltage or Current Waveform

4.3 Representation of Sinusoidal Signal by a Phasor

4.4 Phasor Algebra

Multiple Choice Type Questions


5 AC (Single-phase) Series Circuits

5.1 Circuits using only a single element

5.1.1 Voltage, Current, Impedance, Phasor Diagram

5.2 Series Circuits

5.3 Resonance in R-L-C Series Circuits

Multiple Choice Type Questions


6 Single Phase AC Parallel and Series–Parallel Circuits

6.1 Parallel Circuits

6.2 Necessity of Power Factor (PF) Improvement in AC Circuits

6.3 Series–Parallel Circuits

6.4 Resonance in Parallel Circuits

6.5 Quality Factor

Multiple Choice Type Questions


7 Three-Phase Balanced Supply

7.1 Generation of Three-Phase Balanced Voltages

7.2 Three-phase Voltages for Star Connection

7.3 Relation between Phase and Line Voltages for Delta Connection

7.4 Currents in a Circuit with a Balanced Load (Star Connected)

7.5 Total Power Consumed in a Circuit with a Star Connected Balanced Load

7.6 Currents in a Circuit with a Balanced Load (Delta Connected), Fed from a

Three-phase Supply

7.7 Total Power Consumed in a Delta Connected Circuit with a Balanced Load

7.8 Measurement of Power in a Three-phase Circuit

7.8.1 Two Wattmeter Method of Power Measurement

7.8.2 Determination of the Power Factor for a Balanced Load in a Three-Phase


7.8.3 Power Measurement Using One Wattmeter Only for a Balanced Load

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8 Electro-Magnetism and Magnetic Circuits

8.1 Magnetism

8.2 Biot–Savart Law

8.2.1 Application of Bio–Savart Law

8.3 Magnetic Circuits

8.3.1 Magnetic Circuits (Series and Series–Parallel Types)

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9 Inductance

9.1 Faraday’s Laws of Electro-magnetic Induction

9.2 Inductance

9.3 Energy Stored in the Inductor

9.4 Series and Parallel Connection of Inductances

9.5 Magnetic Losses

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10 Eletrostatics and Capacitance

10.1 Coulomb’s Laws

10.2 Electric Field Intensity due to a Point Charge

10.3 Electric Field

10.4 Electric Flux and Flux Density

10.5 Electric Potential and Potential Difference

10.6 Potential Gradient and Electric Field Intensity

10.7 Gauss’ Theorem

10.8 Capacitance

10.9 Types of Capacitors

10.10Series and Parallel Connection of Capacitors

10.11Energy Stored in a Capacitor

10.12Parallel Plate Capacitor

10.13Capacitance of an Isolated Sphere

10.14Capacitance of Concentric Spherical Conducting Plates

10.15Capacitance of Concentric Cylindrical Conductors

10.16Capacitance of Parallel Conductors

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11 Transformers

11.1 Construction

11.2 EMF Equation

11.3 Operation on No-load and Load

11.4 Equivalent Circuit

11.5 Regulation

11.6 Losses and Efficiency

11.7 Testing

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12 DC Machines

12.1 Construction

12.2 EMF Equation for DC Machines

12.3 Types of Connections Used for Field Windings in DC Machines

12.4 Open Circuit (No-load) Characteristic of a DC Shunt or Self-excited Generator

12.5 Load Characteristics of Different Types of DC Generators

12.6 Torque Equation for a DC Machine

12.7 Load Characteristics of DC Motors

12.8 Starters for DC Shunt Motors

12.9 Methods Used for Speed Control of DC Motors

12.10Losses and Efficiency of DC Machines

Multiple Choice Type Questions


13 Three-phase Induction Motors

13.1 Production of Rotating Magnetic Field in a Three-phase Induction Motor

13.2 Construction of a Three-phase Induction Motor

13.3 Principle of Operation

13.4 Equivalent Circuit of a Three-phase Induction Motor

13.5 Torque–Speed Characteristics of a Three-phase Induction Motor

13.6 Need for Starters in IM

13.6.1 Starters for Squirrel Cage IM

13.6.2 Rotor Resistance Starters for Slip-ring (Wound Rotor) IM

13.7 Methods of Speed Control for a Three-phase IM

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14 Synchronous Machines

14.1 Construction

14.2 EMF Equation

14.3 Synchronous Impedance

14.4 Determination of Regulation of Synchronous Generator Using the Synchronous

Impedance Method

14.5 Motor Operation of Synchronous Machines

14.6 V-curve

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15 Electrical Measuring Instruments

15.1 Classification of Measuring Instruments

15.2 Principles of Operation of Indicating Instruments

15.3 Different Types of Indicating Instruments

15.3.1 Permanent Magnet Moving Coil (PMMC) Instrument

15.3.2 Moving Coil Dynamometer Instruments

15.3.3 Dynamometer Wattmeter

15.3.4 Moving Iron Instrument

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