Mudaliar and Menon’s Clinical Obstetrics

Sarala Gopalan, Dr. S.Rathnakumar, Dr. Vanita Jain

ISBN: 9788173719530 | Year: 2015 | Paperback | Pages: 512 | Language : English

Book Size: 216 x 280 mm | Territorial Rights: World

Price: 1195.00

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About the Book

Mudaliar and Menon’s Clinical Obstetrics, a classic among textbooks, has been popular with several generations of students. Originally written by Dr A.L. Mudaliar and Dr. M.K. Krishna Menon, the twelfth edition has been thoroughly updated and revised to keep abreast of the latest advances in obstetrics. Algorithms, flow charts and new images have been added. Content has been updated.

Contributors (Author(s), Editor(s), Translator(s), Illustrator(s) etc.)


Sarala Gopalan is former Professor and Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, PGIMER, Chandigarh. She was one of the editors of Obstetrics and Gynecology for Postgraduates (Third edition), Volumes 1 and 2. She co-edited the tenth and eleventh editions of this book.

S. Rathnakumar is Retired Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Institute of Social Obstetrics and Government K.G.Hospital for Women and Children, and Madras Medical College, Chennai.

Vanita Jain is Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, PGIMER, Chandigarh. She co-edited the tenth and eleventh editions of this book.


Dr A. L. Mudaliar (1887–1974) was an outstanding personality in his time.  A gynecologist, educationist, statesman and orator, he served as the President of the World Health Organization (1961), and also as the Vice-Chancellor of Madras University. He wrote Clinical Obstetrics, the first Indian book on obstetrics in association with Dr M. K. Krishna Menon. 

Dr M. K. Krishna Menon (1908–1988) was Professor at Stanley Medical College, and Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Madras Medical College. He played an important role in implementing safe practices in obstetrics in India and worked to bring down maternal and infant mortality and improve maternal and child health services in India and in other developing countries.

Table of Content

Section 1: Anatomy and Physiology

  1. The Pelvis
  2. The Female Organs of Generation
  3. Physiology of Ovulation and Menstruation
  4. Fertilisation of the Ovum and Development of Embryo

Section 2: Physiology of Pregnancy

  1. Maternal changes due to Pregnancy
  2. Diagnosis of Pregnancy
  3. The Fetus in Normal Pregnancy
  4. Prenatal Care
  5. Drugs in Pregnancy
  6. Antepartum Fetal Surveillance

Section 3: Physiology of Labour and Puerperium

  1. Causation and Stages of Labour
  2. The Mechanism of Labour
  3. Conduct of Normal Labour
  4. Intrapartum Surveillance
  5. Normal Puerperium


Section 4: Complications of Pregnancy

  1. Hyperemesis Gravidarum
  2. Abortion
  3. Ectopic Pregnancy
  4. Hydatidiform Mole
  5. Anemia in Pregnancy
  6. Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
  7. Antepartum Hemorrhage – Abruptio Placentae
  8. Antepartum Hemorrhage – Placenta Previa
  9. Preterm Birth
  10. Intrauterine Growth Restriction
  11. Prolonged Pregnancy
  12. Multiple Pregnancy
  13. Rhesus Isoimmunisation

Section 5: Diseases Complicating Pregnancy

  1. Diseases of the Cardiovascular System
  2. Liver Diseases in Pregnancy
  3. Tuberculosis and Pregnancy
  4. Maternal Infections during Pregnancy
  5. Diabetes in Pregnancy
  6. Diseases of the Urinary System
  7. Tumours of the Uterus and Adnexa
  1. Surgical Emergencies during Pregnancy

Section 6: Abnormal Labour

  1. Abnormal Fetal Presentations
  2. Transverse or Oblique Lie
  3. Breech Presentation and Compound Presentation
  4. Dystocia due to Anomalies of the Expulsive Forces
  5. Abnormalities of the Reproductive Tract
  6. Complications of the Third Stage of Labour
  7. Injuries to the Parturient Canal
  8. Puerperal Infection

Section 7: The Newborn and Neonatal Problems

  1. Resuscitation and Examination of the Newborn
  2. Feeding of the Newborn and Immunisation
  3. Respiratory Distress and Neonatal Sepsis
  4. Neonatal Jaundice
  5. Neonatal Problems and their Management

Section 8: Obstetric Operations

  1. The Forceps
  2. Version and Destructive Operations
  3. Cesarean Section
  4. Induction of Labour

Section 9: Miscellaneous

  1. Maternal Mortality
  2. Perinatal Mortality
  3. Coagulation Disorders in Obstetrics
  4. Imaging Techniques
  5. Prenatal Diagnosis
  6. Contraception
  7. Medical Termination of Pregnancy
  8. Government Programmes

Appendix 1: History-taking in Obstetrics
Appendix 2: Normal Blood Values
Appendix 3: Blood Transfusion in Obstetric Practise
Appendix 4: Obstetric Instruments
Answers to Questions
Suggested Further Reading


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