Physics for JEE Main, Volume 1

Sheikh Ashfaque Ali

ISBN: 9788195400973 | Year: 2024 | Paperback | Pages: 792 | Language : English

Book Size: 216 x 280 mm | Territorial Rights: World

Price: 1200.00

About the Book

Physics for JEE Main Volume 1 caters to the needs of students preparing for JEE. The questions compiled are in strict accordance with the current trend seen in JEE exam pattern. The book provides a clear and logical presentation of the basic concepts, principles and their applications. It discusses a broad range of problems with sound physical arguments and problem-solving methodology. In addition, it also discusses unique shortcut methods to tackle complex problems, for the students’ benefit.

Contributors (Author(s), Editor(s), Translator(s), Illustrator(s) etc.)

Sheikh Ashfaque Ali obtained his M.Sc. in Physics in first class from Calcutta University and earned his Ph.D. from Jadavpur University. He cracked SLET in the year 1994 and GATE in 1995. Dr Ali is currently Deputy Registrar of Aliah University, Kolkata. Earlier, he was Assistant Professor of Physics in Raja Rammohun Roy Mahavidyalaya.

Table of Content

1. Unit, Dimension and Measurement
2. Vectors
3. Motion in a Straight Line
4. Two-dimensional Motion
5. Newton’s Laws of Motion
6. Friction
7. Rotational Motion
8. Centre of Mass and Equilibrium of a Body
9. Work, Power and Energy
10. Gravitation
11. Elasticity
12. Surface Tension
13. Hydrodynamics
14. Hydrostatics
15. Thermal Properties of Matter – I: Thermometry, Thermal Expansion and Calorimetry
16. Thermal Properties of Matter – II: Transmission of Heat
17. Kinetic Theory of Gases
18. Thermodynamics
19. Simple Harmonic Motion
20. Waves
