Introduction to Traffic Engineering

R Srinivasa Kumar

ISBN: 9789386235473 | Year: 2018 | Paperback | Pages: 832 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: World

Price: 1075.00

About the Book

Traffic Engineering deals with the planning, design and implementation of traffic flow, and road infrastructure and facilities. This book provides in-depth information about road user characteristics and highway geometric design. It explains the collection and analysis of different types of traffic data, obtained as part of various studies. It also describes the design of different types of intersections and illustrates the use of road markings and lighting. Recent advances such as Intelligent Transportation System are also explored. This book will be useful to undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as to researchers and practicing engineers.

Contributors (Author(s), Editor(s), Translator(s), Illustrator(s) etc.)

R Srinivasa Kumar is a faculty member of the Department of Civil Engineering, University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad. He was awarded the Indian Roads Congress Commendation Certificate for the best research paper published in the IRC Journal (2001–02). He has also authored textbooks on highway engineering, pavement design and maintenance, and transportation engineering.

Table of Content

1. Introduction to Road Traffic Engineering 
1.0 Introduction 
1.1 Traffic Problems 
1.2 Reasons for Collecting Data 
1.3 Types of Studies 
1.3.1 Frequency of Traffic Data Collection 
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2. Road User and Vehicle Characteristics 
2.0 Introduction 
2.1 Road User 
2.1.1 Road User Characteristics 
2.1.2 Reaction Process 
2.1.3 Rate of Change of the Visual Angle 
2.2 Vehicle 
2.2.1 Vehicle Characteristics 
2.3 Road Characteristics 
2.3.1 Surface Characteristics 
2.3.2 Lighting 
2.4 Traffic Control Devices 
2.5 The General Environment 
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3. Highway Geometric Design 
3.0 Introduction 
3.1 Vehicle Dimensions 
3.2 Terrain Classification 
3.3 Design Speed 
3.4 Cross-Sectional Elements 
3.4.1 Boundary Lines 
3.4.2 Right of Way or Road–Land Width 
3.4.3 Carriageway Width and Road Width 
3.4.4 Shoulder 
3.4.5 Camber 
3.5 Sight Distance 
3.5.1 Safe Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) 
3.5.2 Overtaking Sight Distance (OSD) or Passing Sight Distance (PSD) 
3.5.3 Intermediate Sight Distance (ISD) 
3.5.4 Intersection Sight Distance (ISSD) 
3.5.5 Sight Distance at Medians 
3.6 Superelevation 
3.6.1 Design of Superelevation 
3.6.2 Design Rate of Superelevation 
3.6.3 Design Side Friction Factor 
3.6.4 Analysis of Curve Radii 
3.6.5 Attaining Superelevation 
3.6.6 Rate of Change of Superelevation 
3.7 Widening of Carriageway on Curves 
3.8 Horizontal Curves 
3.8.1 Sight Distance on Horizontal Curves 
3.8.2 Transition Curve 
3.8.3 Length of Transition Curve 
3.8.4 Elements of the Transition Curve 
3.9 Longitudinal Gradient 
3.10 Compensation of Grade on Horizontal Curves 
3.11 Vertical Curves 
3.11.1 Types of Vertical Curves 
3.11.2 Length of Vertical Curves 
3.11.3 Sight Distance on Sag Curves Passing Under an Overhead Structure 
3.12 Bus Bay 
3.13 Road Humps and Bumps 
3.14 Geometric Design of Bike Paths 
3.15 Consistency in Highway Geometric Design 
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4. Traffic Volume Studies 
4.0 Introduction 
4.1 Objectives of Traffic Volume Studies 
4.2 Types of Traffic Counts 
4.2.1 Vehicular Traffic Volume (or Flow) Survey 
4.2.2 Pedestrian Traffic Volume Survey 
4.3 Introduction to Pedestrian Volume Studies 
4.4 Objectives of Pedestrian Volume Studies 
4.5 Use Criteria for Pedestrian Volume Studies 
4.6 Terminology 
4.7 Types of Pedestrian Transport Networks 
4.8 Factors Affecting Pedestrian Demand 
4.9 Pedestrian Data Collection Methods 
4.9.1 Manual Counting Techniques 
4.9.2 Automatic Counting Techniques 
4.10 Location of Counting Stations 
4.11 Pedestrian Volume Characteristics 
4.12 Design Volume 
4.13 Presentation of Pedestrian Volume Data 
4.14 Pedestrian Flow Characteristics 
4.14.1 Pedestrian Walking Speed 
4.14.2 Pedestrian Walking Space 
4.14.3 Pedestrian Start-Up Time 
4.14.4 Pedestrian Capacity 
4.14.5 Pedestrian Speed–Density (V–K) Relationship 
4.14.6 Pedestrian Flow–Density Relationship 
4.14.7 Travel Time–Speed–Flow Rate Relationship 
4.14.8 Pedestrian Speed–Flow Relationship 
4.14.9 Pedestrian Speed–Space Relationship 
4.14.10 Pedestrian Flow–Space Relationship 
4.15 Level of Service (LOS) 
4.15.1 LOS Criteria for Uninterrupted Flow Pedestrian Facility 
4.15.2 LOS Criteria for Stairways and Queuing 
4.15.3 LOS Criteria for Interrupted Flow Pedestrian Facility 
4.16 Time–Space (TS) Analysis Method 
4.17 Design Guidelines 
4.18 Solved Problems 
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5. Traffic Count Techniques and Analysis of Traffic Volume Data 
5.0 Types of Traffic Counting Methods 
5.1 Manual Traffic Count 
5.2 Automatic Traffic Count (ATC) 
5.2.1 Intrusive Sensors 
5.2.2 Non-Intrusive Sensors 
5.3 Factors Affecting the Selection of Technology 
5.4 Duration of Traffic Count 
5.5 Traffic Attributes 
5.6 Presentation of Traffic Volume Data 
5.6.1 Variations in Traffic Flow 
5.6.2 Summary Tables 
5.6.3 Graphic Summary of Flow at Intersections 
5.7 Analysis of Traffic Volume Data – Basic Terminology 
5.8 Traffic Volume Data Products 
5.8.1 Monthly Average Days of the Week Traffic (MADWT) 
5.8.2 Monthly Average Daily Traffic (MADT) 
5.8.3 Monthly Average Weekday Daily Traffic (MAWDT) 
5.8.4 Monthly Average Weekend Daily Traffic (MAWET) 
5.8.5 Average Annual Weekday Traffic (AAWT) 
5.8.6 Average Weekday Traffic (AWT) 
5.8.7 Annual Average Daily Truck Traffic (AADTT) 
5.8.8 Annual Average Weekday Traffic (AAWDT) 
5.8.9 Annual Average Day of Week Traffic (AADWT) 
5.8.10 Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) 
5.8.11 Annual Average Weekend Traffic (AAWET) 
5.8.12 Annual Vehicle Distance Travelled (AVDT) 
5.8.13 Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT) 
5.8.14 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) 
5.8.15 Axle Correction Factor (ACF) 
5.8.16 Seasonal Correction Factor (SCF) or Seasonal Adjustment Factor (SAF) 
5.8.17 Seasonal Average Daily Traffic (SADT) 
5.8.18 Average Summer Daily Traffic (ASDT) 
5.8.19 Seasonal Average Daily Traffic Adjustment Factors (SADTAF) 
5.8.20 Peak Hour Factor (PFH) 
5.8.21 Design Hour (DH) 
5.8.22 Design Year (DV) 
5.8.23 Design Hour Volume (DHV) 
5.8.24 K-Factor or Design Hour Factor 
5.8.25 Design Hour Truck (DHT) 
5.8.26 Design Hour Factor 
5.8.27 Directional Distribution (D) or Directional Split of Traffic 
5.8.28 Directional Design Hour Volume (DDHV) 
5.9 Solved Problems 
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6. Spot Speed Studies and Characteristics 
6.0 Introduction to Speed Studies 
6.1 Spot Speed Study 
6.1.1 Factors Affecting Spot Speed 
6.1.2 Applications of Spot Speed Data 
6.2 Other Definitions of Speed 
6.2.1 Sample Size 
6.3 Solved Problems 
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7. Origin and Destination Studies 
7.0 Introduction 
7.1 OD Data 
7.2 The OD Study Area 
7.3 OD Data Collection Methods 
7.3.1 Registration Questionnaire Survey 
7.3.2 Mail-Back Questionnaire or Self-Completion Postcard Survey
(or Roadside Handout Survey) 
7.3.3 Roadside Interview Survey 
7.3.4 Home Interview Survey 
7.3.5 Tag-on-Car Survey 
7.3.6 Carousel Method 
7.3.7 Licence Plate Survey 
7.3.8 Comments and Remarks 
7.3.9 Other Methods Relating to ITS 
7.4 Selecting a Method 
7.5 Sample Size 
7.6 Uses of OD Data 
7.7 Presentation of OD Data 
7.8 Solved Problem 
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8. Travel Time and Delay Studies 
8.0 Introduction 
8.1 Factors Affecting Speed and Delay 
8.2 Methods of Measurement of Travel Time and Delays on any Selected Length of a Route 
8.2.1 Floating Car Method (Moving Observer Method) 
8.2.2 Test Car Procedure 
8.2.3 Licence Plate Matching Method 
8.2.4 Fixed Time Interval Photographs 
8.2.5 Elevated Observer Method 
8.2.6 Field Interviews (Survey) 
8.2.7 GIS and GPS Method 
8.2.8 Bluetooth Technologies 
8.3 Sample Size 
8.4 Presentation of Travel Time and Delay Data 
8.4.1 Tabular Form 
8.4.2 Time Contour Map 
8.4.3 Time Bar Chart 
8.4.4 Speed Profiles 
8.4.5 Frequency Distribution Curve 
8.5 Solved Problems 
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9. Intersection Delay Studies 
9.0 Introduction 
9.1 Types of Delays at Intersections 
9.2 Methods of Measuring Delay Through Intersections 
9.2.1 Stopped Vehicle Method 
9.2.2 Elevated Observer Method 
9.2.3 Sample Size 
9.3 Speed and Delay Formulae 
9.4 Solved Problems 
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10. Traffic Flow Characteristics 
10.0 Introduction 
10.1 Traffic Stream Parameters 
10.1.1 Space Headway and Time Headway 
10.1.2 Lane Occupancy 
10.1.3 Density 
10.1.4 Lane Capacity 
10.2 Fundamental Relationships Between Traffic Flow Parameters 
10.2.1 Speed–Density (V–K) Relationship 
10.2.2 Speed–Flow (V–Q) Relationship 
10.2.3 Flow–Density (Q–K) Relationship 
10.2.4 Density–Spacing (K–Ss) Relationship 
10.3 Macroscopic Traffic Stream Models 
10.3.1 Greenshield’s Linear Model 
10.3.2 Greenberg’s Logarithmic Model 
10.3.3 Underwood’s Exponential Model 
10.3.4 Multi-Regime Models 
10.4 Microscopic Traffic Stream Models 
10.4.1 The Car-Following Theory 
10.4.2 GM Model 
10.5 Shock Waves in Traffic Streams 
10.5.1 Shock Wave Speed 
10.6 Level of Service 
10.7 Equivalency Factors 
10.7.1 Factors Affecting Equivalency Factors (PCU Values) 
10.8 Design Service Volume 
10.9 Solved Problems 
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11. Introduction to Intersections and Design Guidelines for At-Grade Intersections 
11.0 Introduction 
11.1 Access Management 
11.2 Classification of Intersections 
11.3 Classification of At-Grade Intersections 
11.4 Low-Cost Traffic Management Techniques 
11.5 Factors Considered in the Design of Intersections 
11.6 Design Principles of At-Grade Intersections 
11.6.1 Design Vehicle 
11.6.2 Stopping Sight Distance 
11.6.3 Sight Distance Triangles at an Intersection 
11.6.4 Types of Sight Triangles at an Intersection 
11.6.5 Sight Distance at Median 
11.7 Principles of Channelisation 
11.8 Elements of Channelisation 
11.8.1 Alignment of Lanes 
11.8.2 Islands 
11.8.3 Kerbs 
11.8.4 Directional Islands 
11.8.5 Median Islands 
11.8.6 Median End Treatment 
11.8.7 Spacing of Median Opening or Median Break Spacing 
11.8.8 Dividers 
11.8.9 Splitter Islands 
11.8.10 Tapers and Transitions 
11.8.11 Auxiliary Lanes 
11.9 Retrofit Actions 
11.9.1 Retrofit Techniques 
11.9.2 Specific Guidelines on Corrections to Skewed Intersections 
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12. Design and Analysis of Rotary Intersections 
12.0 The Concept of Traffic Rotary Operations 
12.1 Advantages of Traffic Rotaries 
12.2 Disadvantages of Traffic Rotaries 
12.3 Suitability of Traffic Rotaries/Roundabouts 
12.4 Design Criteria and Guidelines 
12.4.1 Geometric Standards 
12.4.2 Operating Standards 
12.5 Data Collection and Analysis 
12.5.1 Methods of Data Collection 
12.5.2 Operational Performance Evaluation 
12.5.3 Capacity Analysis 
12.6 Solved Problems 
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13. Design of Signalised Intersections 
13.0 Introduction 
13.1 Advantages of Signal Control 
13.2 Disadvantages of Signal Control 
13.3 Warrants for Traffic Signal Installation 
13.4 Traffic Signal Design Elements 
13.5 Data Collection 
13.6 Traffic Control Signal Lights 
13.7 Commonly Used Terminology 
13.8 Types of Traffic Signal Controls 
13.9 Concepts of Traffic Signal Time Design 
13.9.1 Phasing 
13.9.2 Saturation Flow Rate 
13.9.3 Estimation of Saturation Flow 
13.9.4 Lost Time 
13.9.5 Cycle Time By Webster’s Method 
13.9.6 Effective Green Time 
13.9.7 Green Time 
13.10 Signal Performance Measurement 
13.10.1 Capacity of an Intersection 
13.10.2 Degree of Saturation 
13.10.3 Level of Service (LOS) 
13.10.4 Other Parameters 
13.11 Design of Isolated Fixed Time Signal 
13.11.1 IRC: 93 Method 
13.11.2 Guiding Standards 
13.12 Introduction to Coordinated Signal Control Systems 
13.12.1 Need for Coordinated Control 
13.12.2 Basic Concepts of Signal Coordination 
13.12.3 Factors Affecting Coordination 
13.13 Types of Coordinated Traffic Signal Control Systems 
13.13.1 Simultaneous Signal Control System 
13.13.2 Alternate Signal Control System 
13.13.3 Simple Progressive Signal Control System 
13.13.4 Flexible Progressive Signal Control System 
13.14 Review of Signal Timing 
13.15 Solved Problems 
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14. Basics of Queuing Theory and Delay Analysis 
14.0 Introduction to Queuing Theory 
14.1 Queuing System 
14.1.1 Queuing System Classification 
14.1.2 Little’s Theorem 
14.1.3 Queuing Models 
14.2 Analysis of Delay and Queuing at Signalised Intersections 
14.2.1 Methods of Delay Analysis at Isolated Signalised Intersections 
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15. Design Guidelines for Grade-Separated Intersections and Interchanges 
15.0 Introduction 
15.1 Grade-Separated Structures 
15.2 Factors Affecting the Selection of an Interchange 
15.3 Classification of Grade-Separated Structures 
15.3.1 Overpass or Bridge 
15.3.2 Underpass 
15.4 Classification of Ramps 
15.4.1 Classification of Ramps Based on Direction of Use 
15.4.2 Classification of Ramps Based on Access Control 
15.5 Interchange Design Principles 
15.5.1 Cardinal Principles of Interchange Design 
15.5.2 Secondary Principles of Interchange Design 
15.6 Classification of Interchanges 
15.6.1 Classification Based on the Number of Approach Legs 
15.6.2 Classification Based on Directional Use 
15.6.3 Classification Based on Access Control 
15.7 Interchange Configurations 
15.7.1 Three-Leg Interchanges 
15.7.2 Diamond Interchanges 
15.7.3 Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI) 
15.7.4 Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) 
15.7.5 Double Crossover Merging Interchange (DCMI) 
15.7.6 Three-Level Diamond Interchange 
15.7.7 Variants of Diamond Interchanges 
15.7.8 Multi-Level Stack Interchanges 
15.7.9 Cloverleaf Interchanges 
15.7.10 Parclo (Partial Cloverleaf Interchange) 
15.7.11 Turbine Interchange 
15.8 Guidelines for the Design of Interchange Components 
15.8.1 Lane Balance 
15.8.2 Weaving Section 
15.8.3 Ramp Design 
15.8.4 Ramp Spacing 
15.8.5 Entrance Ramp Taper Design 
15.8.6 Exit Ramp Taper Design 
15.8.7 Gores 
15.8.8 Sight Distance 
15.8.9 Other Considerations 
15.8.10 Access Control 
15.8.11 Comparative and Evaluation Studies 
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16. Parking Studies 
16.0 Introduction 
16.1 Basic Terminology 
16.2 Classification of Parking Facilities 
16.2.1 On-Street/ Kerb/Roadside Parking 
16.2.2 Off-Street Parking 
16.3 Steps in Parking Studies 
16.4 Parking Surveys 
16.4.1 In–Out Survey 
16.4.2 Fixed Period Sampling 
16.4.3 Licence Plate Method of Survey 
16.5 Characteristics of Parking Facilities 
16.6 Analysis of Parking Data 
16.7 Parking Management Strategies 
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17. Road Markings 
17.0 Introduction 
17.1 Classification of Road Markings 
17.2 Line Markings 
17.2.1 Centre Line 
17.2.2 Transverse Markings 
17.2.3 Hazard Markings 
17.2.4 Block Markings 
17.2.5 Arrow Markings 
17.2.6 Directional Markings 
17.2.7 Facility Markings 
17.2.8 Object Markings 
17.2.9 Colour Pavement Markings 
17.3 Road Studs 
17.4 Preview Distance Requirements 
17.5 Phenomenon of Diffusion, Reflection, Refraction and Retroreflectivity 
17.5.1 Measurement of Retroreflectivity 
17.5.2 Instruments Used to Measure Retroreflectivity 
17.6 Materials Used for Road Markings 
17.7 Performance Assessment of Road Markings 
17.8 Anti-Skid Tests on Road Markings 
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18. Road Traffic Signs 
18.0 Introduction 
18.1 Classification of Signs 
18.2 Basic Elements of Road Signs 
18.2.1 Shape 
18.2.2 Colour 
18.2.3 Lettering    
18.2.4 Symbols 
18.3 Functional Aspects of Road Signs 
18.3.1 Regulatory or Mandatory Signs 
18.3.2 Warning, Cautionary or Precautionary Signs 
18.3.3 Information/Guide Signs 
18.3.4 Variable Message Signs 
18.3.5 Object/Curve/Hazard Markers, Bollards and Junction Definition Posts 
18.3.6 Miscellaneous Devices/Signs 
18.4 Sign Legibility Distance 
18.4.1 Australian Practice 
18.4.2 Indian Practice 
18.4.3 USSC Recommended Practice of Thumb Rule 
18.5 Lateral Clearance and Location of Signs 
18.5.1 Lateral Placement and Height 
18.5.2 Longitudinal Placement 
18.5.3 Sign Orientation 
18.5.4 Sign Support Standards 
18.5.5 Warrants 
18.6 Illumination and Retroflection 
18.7 Materials Used for Signs 
18.8 The Cone of Retroreflection 
18.9 Measurement of Retroreflectivity of Signs 
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19. Roadway Lighting 
19.0 Introduction 
19.1 Factors Affecting Night-Time Visibility 
19.2 Objectives of Roadway Lighting 
19.3 Glossary of Terms 
19.4 Lighting Laws 
19.4.1 Inverse Square Law 
19.4.2 Cosine Law 
19.5 Types of Lamps 
19.6 Lighting Requirements 
19.7 Warrants for Lighting 
19.8 Factors Affecting the Selection of Appropriate Lighting System 
19.9 Lighting Correction Factors 
19.10 Design Elements of Lighting System 
19.10.1 Lateral Luminaire Light Distribution 
19.10.2 Vertical Light Distribution 
19.10.3 Luminaire Cut-Off Classification 
19.10.4 Types of Poles 
19.10.5 Pole Height 
19.10.6 Pole Arms 
19.10.7 Mounting Height and Type of Luminaire 
19.10.8 Luminaire Arrangements 
19.10.9 Lighting Level Requirements 
19.10.10 Methods of Spacing of Lighting Units 
19.10.11 Lateral Placement of Poles (Luminaire) 
19.11 Design of Roadway/Street Lighting System 
19.12 Methods of Pole Installation 
19.13 Smart/Intelligent Street Lighting System 
19.13.1 Components of ISL 
19.14 Life Cycle Cost Evaluation 
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20. Road Traffic Accident Studies and Reconstruction 
20.0 Introduction 
20.1 Objectives 
20.2 Basic Report Information 
20.2.1 Accident Location 
20.3 Assessment of Accident Data 
20.4 Collision Diagrams 
20.5 Condition Diagrams 
20.6 Measurement Systems 
20.7 Fundamental Physics Formulae Used for Reconstruction of an Accident 
20.8 Accident Reconstruction Formulae 
20.8.1 Determination/Measurement of Drag Factor of a Road Surface 
20.8.2 Determination of the Radius of a Simple Circular Road Curve 
20.8.3 Determination of Critical Speed on Superelevated Road Curves 
20.8.4 Determination of Minimum Speed of the Vehicle Before Sliding (From Straight Line Skid Marks) 
20.8.5 Determination of Minimum Speed of Vehicle From Yaw Mark 
20.8.6 Determination of Acceleration Factor of a Vehicle From Known Distance or Travel Time 
20.8.7 Combined Speed of a Vehicle Skidding on Road Surface 
20.8.8 Speed of a Vehicle Falling From a Downgrade/Upgrade 
20.8.9 Determination of Velocities of Vehicles at Impact/Collision 
20.8.10 Determination of Velocities of Vehicles Before Impact Using Vector Diagram Graphical Method 
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21. Analysis of Accident Data and Road Safety 
21.0 Analysis of Accident Data 
21.1 Road Safety Vision 
21.2 Road Safety Programmes 
21.3 Road Safety Measures 
21.4 Evaluation of Effectiveness of Road Safety Implementation 
21.4.1 Chi-Square Test to Find Goodness of Fit 
21.4.2 Chi-Square Test to Determine Association Between Two Variables 
21.4.3 Chi-Square Test to Determine Effectiveness of Before and After Improvements From One Group of Data 
21.4.4 Standard Normal Probability Method 
21.4.5 Spearman Rank–Order Correlation Coefficient 
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22. Intelligent Transportation System 
22.0 Introduction 
22.1 Historical Development of ITS 
22.2 Objectives of ITS 
22.3 Benefits of Intelligent Transportation System 
22.4 ITS Design 
22.5 Technologies Used in ITS 
22.5.1 Geographic Positioning System 
22.5.2 Communication Technologies 
22.5.3 Geographical Information System (GIS) 
22.5.4 Artificial Vision System 
22.5.5 Digital Mapping 
22.5.6 Data Acquisition and Exchange System 
22.6 ITS Architecture 
22.7 V-Development Model for ITS Projects 
22.8 Subsystems of ITS 
22.8.1 Vehicle Detection Station (VDS) 
22.8.2 Variable Message Signs (VMSS) 
22.8.3 Changeable Message Signs (CMS) Systems 
22.8.4 Variable Speed Limit Sign (VSLS)/Lane Control Sign (LCS) 
22.8.5 Speed Enforcement System or High-Speed Driving Deterrence System 
22.8.6 Red Light Violation Detection System 
22.8.7 Oncoming Traffic Indication/Warning System 
22.8.8 Centre Line Shifting System 
22.8.9 Vehicle Information and Communication (VIC) System 
22.8.10 Automatic Incident Detection (AID) and Information Provision Systems 
22.8.11 Road Weather Monitoring Systems 
22.8.12 Over Height Vehicle Detection System 
22.8.13 Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) System or Automatic Vehicle Licence Plate Recognition 
22.8.14 Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) System 
22.8.15 Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) Systems 
22.8.16 Traveller Information System (TIS)/Traveller Advisory Radio (TAR) 
22.8.17 Parking Management and Guidance Systems 
22.8.18 Tunnel Systems 
22.8.19 Road Condition Information Signs (RCIS) Systems 
22.8.20 Ramp Metering Systems (RMS) 
22.8.21 Work Zone System 
22.8.22 Other Systems 
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