Python Programming

Ch Satyanarayana, M Radhika Mani and B N Jagadesh

ISBN: 9789386235633 | Year: 2018 | Paperback | Pages: 380 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: World

Price: 695.00

About the Book

Python Programming delineates the fundamentals of Python language and provides an insight to Python’s role in domains such as the Web, GUI and databases. It focuses on the object oriented programming nature of Python and shows how Python language can be used to develop clean and efficient programs. Designed as a self-learning kit for undergraduate students of computer science, the book has a rich pedagogy that includes fill-in-the-blanks, true/false, MCQs, short- and long-answer type questions, and debugging exercises to hone the learner’s skills in Python programming.

Contributors (Author(s), Editor(s), Translator(s), Illustrator(s) etc.)

Ch Satyanarayana is Professor, Department of CSE, and Director of Academics and Planning,  JNTU Kakinada

M Radhika Mani is Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pragati Engineering College, Surampalem, Andhra Pradesh

B N Jagadesh is Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Srinivasa Institute of Engineering and Technology, Amalapuram, Andhra Pradesh

Table of Content


1.1 Introduction to Computer Systems 
Generations of computers | Applications of computers Classification of computers 
1.2 Computer Hardware 
Input/ Output devices | CPU | Memory 
1.3 Computer Software 
System software | Application software 
1.4 Programming Languages 
Machine-level programming language | Assembly-level programming language | High-level programming language 
1.5 Algorithmic Problem Solving 
Algorithms | Characteristics of algorithm |  Advantages and disadvantages of algorithm | Algorithm notation |  Building blocks of algorithms |  Steps for developing algorithms | Simple strategies for developing algorithms | Find minimum in a list |  
Insert a card in a list of sorted cards | Guess an integer number in a range | Towers of Hanoi algorithm 
1.6 Building Blocks of Program 
1.7 Background of Learning to Write Programs 
1.8 Sample Algorithms 
Glossary | Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks |State True/False |Find the Output | Find the Error | Long Answer Questions |Short Answer Questions |Exercise Algorithms | Answers

2. Fundamentals of Python Programming
2.1 Introduction to Python
2.2 Features of Python
2.3 Applications of Python
Web and internet development | Scientific and numeric | Education | Desktop GUIs | Software development
2.4 Installation of Python
Windows operating system | Linux operating system
2.5 Sample Program
2.6 Python Virtual Machine
2.7 Frozen Binaries
2.8 Memory Management in Python
2.9 Comparison Between C and Python
2.10 Comparison Between Java and Python
2.11 Python vs Similar Tools
2.12 Python Keywords
2.13 Python Identifiers
2.14 Python Statements
2.15 Python Indentation
2.16 Comments in Python
2.17 Differences Between Python 2.x and 3.x
2.18 Coding Styles in Python
Glossary | Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks | State True/False | Long Answer Questions | Short Answer Questions | Answers 

3. Syntax and Styles
3.1 Data Types
3.2 Literal
3.3 Numeric Literal
3.4 Boolean Literal
3.5 String Literal
3.6 Variable
3.7 Operators and Expressions
Arithmetic operators | Comparison (relational) operators | Assignment operators | Logical operators| Bitwise operators | Membership operators | Identity operators
3.8 Expressions and Order of Evaluations
3.9 Numbers
Integers | Floating point numbers | Complex numbers
3.10 Functions Applicable to All Types of Numbers
3.11 Sample Programs
Glossary | Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks | State True/False | Find the Output | Find the Error | Long Answer Questions| Short Answer Questions | Exercise Programs | Answers

4. Control Flow
4.1 If Statement
4.2 While Statement
4.3 For Statement
4.4 Break Statement
4.5 Continue Statement
4.6 Pass Statement
4.7 Entry Controlled Loop
4.8 Exit Controlled Loop
4.9 Counter Controlled Loop
4.10 Condition Controlled Loop 
4.11 Nested Loops
4.12 Sample Programs
4.13 Case Studies
Simple temperature converter | Simple number system converter | Generation of vowel alphabet pattern
Glossary | Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks | State True/False | Find the Output |Find the Error | Long Answer Questions | Short Answer Questions | Exercise Programs | Answers

5. Sequences–Lists
5.1 Arrays
5.2 Sequences
5.3 Using Lists
5.4 List Assignment and Equivalence
5.5 List Bounds
5.6 List Slicing
5.7 List Cloning
5.8 Nested Lists
5.9 List Comprehensions
5.10 Lists and Functions
5.11 Prime Generation with a List
5.12 Adding List Elements
5.13 Mutability
5.14 List Unpacking
5.15 Stack
5.16 Queue
5.17 Functional Programming
5.18 Sample Programs
Glossary | Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks |State True/False | Find the Output |Find the Error | Long Answer Questions | Short Answer Questions | Exercise Programs | Answers 

6. Tuples
6.1 Need of Tuple
6.2 Sequence Unpacking
6.3 Methods
6.4 Sample Programs
Glossary | Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks | State True/False | Find the Output | Find the Error | Long Answer Questions | Short Answer Questions | Exercise Programs | Answers 

7. Dictionaries

7.1 Making a Dictionary
7.2 Basic Operations
7.3 Dictionary Operations
7.4 Sets
7.5 Iterators and Generators
7.6 Sample Programs
Glossary | Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks | State True/False | Find the Output | Find the Error | Long Answer Questions | Short Answer Questions | Exercise Programs| Answers 

8. Functions

8.1 Introduction
8.2 Defining Functions
8.3 Calling Functions
8.4 Passing Arguments
8.5 Keyword Arguments
8.6 Default Arguments
8.7 Required Arguments
8.8 Variable-length Arguments
8.9 Return Statement
8.10 Nesting of Passing Arguments
8.11 Anonymous Functions
8.12 Recursive Function
8.13 Scope of Local and Global Variable
8.14 Documentation Strings
8.15 Sample Programs
8.16 Case Studies
Recursive binary search | Substitution Cipher| Glossary | Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks | State True/False | Find the Output | Find the Error | Long Answer Questions | Short Answer Questions | Exercise Programs| Answers 

9. Modules
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Importing Modules
Importing all elements of a module | Importing the specific elements of a module
9.3 Creating Modules
9.4 Use of name
9.5 Name Spacing
9.6 Reloading Module
9.7 Sample Programs
Glossary | Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks | State True/False | Find the Output | Find the Error | Long Answer Questions | Short Answer Questions | Exercise Programs | Answers

10. Object Oriented Programming Principles
10.1 Class Statement
10.2 Class Body
10.3 Objects
10.4 Class Methods
10.5 Self Variable
10.6 Class Properties and Instance Properties
10.7 Static Method
10.8 Data Hiding
10.9 Deleting an Object
10.10 Constructor
10.11 Method Overriding
10.12 Inheritance
10.13 Composition or Containership or Complex Object
10.14 Abstract Classes and Interfaces
10.15 Metaclass
10.16 Operator Overloading
Reverse adding | getitem() and setitem() | Membership operators   | Miscellaneous 
10.17 Garbage Collection
10.18 Sample Programs
  Glossary | Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks | State True/False | Find the Output | Find the Error | Long Answer Questions | Short Answer Questions | Exercise Programs| Answers

11. Packages
11.1 Introduction to PIP
11.2 Installing Packages via PIP
11.3 Using Python Packages
11.4 Absolute and Relative Imports
11.5 Namespace Package
11.6 Sample Programs
Glossary |Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks | State True/False | Find the Output | Find the Error | Long Answer Questions | Short Answer Questions | Exercise 
 Programs | Answers

12. Strings and Regular Expressions

12.1 Methods of String Objects Escape sequencing
12.2 Iterating Strings
12.3 String Module
12.4 String Formatting
12.5 Regular Expression Re-module
12.6 Dictionary-based Formatting Expressions
12.7 Sample Programs
   Glossary | Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks | State True/False | Find the Output | Find the Error | Long Answer Questions | Short Answer Questions | Exercise Programs | Answers

13. Files and Directory Access

13.1 Files and Streams
13.2 Opening a File
The read mode | The write mode | The append mode
13.3 Reading/Writing Operations on a File
The read operation | The write operation
13.4 Other File Operations
13.5 Iterating through Files
13.6 Splitting Words
13.7 Serialization and De-serialization
13.8 Hash Files
13.9 Directory Access
13.10 Sample Programs
       Glossary | Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks | State True/False | Find the Output | Find the Error | Long Answer Questions | Short Answer Questions | Exercise Programs | Answers

14. Errors and Exceptions
14.1 Motivation
14.2 Examples of Exception
14.3 Handling Exceptions
14.4 Try Keyword
14.5 Finally Keyword
14.6 Handling Exception in Invoked Functions
14.7 With and Except Statements
14.8 Raising Exceptions
14.9 Re-raising Exception
14.10 Instantiating Exception
14.11 Custom Exceptions
14.12 Assert Statement
14.13 Pre-defined Clean-up Actions
14.14 Sample Programs
    Glossary | Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks | State True/False | Find the Output | Find the Error | Long Answer Questions | Short Answer Questions | Exercise Programs| Answers

15. Multithreading
15.1 Introduction to Thread
15.2 Differences Between Process and Thread
15.3 Threading Module
15.4 Thread Synchronization
15.5 Sample Program
    Glossary | Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks | State True/False | Find the Output | Find the Error | Long Answer Questions | Short Answer Questions | Exercise Programs | Answers

16. Tkinter
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Widget
16.3 Label Widget
16.4 Button Widget
16.5 Checkbutton Widget
16.6 Entry Widget
16.7 Listbox Widget
16.8 Radiobutton Widget
16.9 Scrollbar Widget
16.10 Text Widget
16.11 Container Widgets
16.12 Frame Widget
16.13 Menu Widget
16.14 Labelframe Widget
16.15 Message Widget
16.16 Combobox Widget
16.17 Scale Widget
16.18 Canvas Widget
16.19 Sample Programs
     Glossary | Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks | State True/False | Find the Output | Find the Error | Long Answer Questions | Short Answer Questions | Exercise Programs | Answers

17. Events
17.1 Event Object
17.2 Binding Callbacks to Events
17.3 Events Names
17.4 Keyboard Events
17.5 Mouse Events
17.6 Sample Programs
    Glossary | Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks | State True/False | Find the Output | Find the Error | Long Answer Questions | Short Answer Questions | Exercise Programs | Answers

18. Standard Library
18.1 Operating System Interface
18.2 Text Processing
18.3 Mathematics
18.4 Internet Access
18.5 Dates and Times
18.6 Data Compression
18.7 Turtle Graphics
18.9 Sample Programs
       Glossary | Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks | State True/False | Find the Output | Find the Error | Long Answer Questions | Short Answer Questions | Exercise Programs | Answers

19. Testing
19.1 Basic Concepts of Testing
19.2 Unit Testing in Python
19.3 Grouping Test Cases in Unit Testing
19.4 Loading and Running Tests
19.5 Sample Programs
Glossary | Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Fill in the Blanks | State True/False | Find the Output | Find the Error | Long Answer Questions | Short Answer Questions | Exercise Programs | Answers

Appendix A: Networking
Appendix B: Sending E-mail
Appendix C: Plotting Graphs
Appendix D: CGI/Web Programming using Python Index
