Indian Medicinal Plants, Volume 2

Arya Vaidya Sala

ISBN: 9789389211092 | Year: 2021 | Paperback | Pages: 438 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: World| Series Indian Medicinal Plants

Price: 2750.00

About the Book

Indian Medicinal Plants, based on a treatise prepared by S. Raghunatha Iyer, a scholar of both Sanskrit and Ayurveda, aims to make an authoritative contribution to the field. The original work which drew upon classical texts and current research, as well as the oral medical knowledge of tribal groups has been updated by scholars associated with the Arya Vaidya Sala in Kottakal, India. This unique compendium offers profiles of 500 key species with detailed taxonomic information. One of the leading features of this compilation is the special technique used in the illustrations, both colour and line, which aims to achieve authenticity of texture, colour and form. The book also lists the distribution and popular nomenclature in English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Malayalam and Tamil. The main texts present properties and uses in a format which cites ancient verse texts and ethnobotanical sources. This rare work, in five volumes, should be of special interest to practitioners of alternative medicine, students of Ayurveda, the research and industry associated with medical botany, pharmacologists, sociologists and medical herbalists.

Contributors (Author(s), Editor(s), Translator(s), Illustrator(s) etc.)

Arya Vaidya Sala

P K Warrier, Managing Trustee of the Arya Vaidyasala, Kottakkal, Kerala.

V.P.K.Nambiar, former systematic botanist at the Kerala Forest Research Institute and a specialist in the flora of the Western Ghats.

C.Ramankutty, a learned physician of the Arya Vaidyasala, Kottakkal, Kerala.

Table of Content

  1. Caryota urens
  2. Cassia absus
  3. Cassia auriculata
  4. Cassia fistula
  5. Cassia occidentalis
  6. Cassia senna
  7. Cassia tora
  8. Catharanthus roseus
  9. Catunaregum spinosa
  10. Cayratia carnosa
  11. Cedrus deodara
  12. Ceiba pentandra
  13. Celastrus paniculatus
  14. Centella asiatica
  15. Ceratophyllum demersum
  16. Cerbera odollam
  17. Chenopodium album
  18. Chonemorpha fragrans
  19. Cicer arietinum
  20. Cichorium intybus
  21. Cinchona officinalis
  22. Cinnamomum camphora
  23. Cinnamomum tamala
  24. Cinnamomum verum
  25. Citrulius colocynthis
  26. Citrus aurantifolia
  27. Citrus limon
  28. Citrus medica
  29. Citrus reticulata
  30. Cissus quadrangularis
  31. Cleome viscosa
  32. Clerodendrum serratum
  33. Clerodendrum viscosum
  34. Clitoria ternatea
  35. Coccinia grandis
  36. Cocculus hirsutus
  37. Cochlospermum religiosum
  38. Cocus nucifera
  39. Coffea arabica
  40. Coix lacryma-jobi
  41. Colocasia esculenta
  42. Commiphora mukul
  43. Commiphora myrrha
  44. Commiphora wightii
  45. Coptis teeta
  46. Cordia dichotoma
  47. Coriandrum sativum
  48. Coscinium fenestratum
  49. Costus speciosus
  50. Crataeva magna
  51. Cress a cretica
  52. Crinum asiaticum
  53. Crocus sativus
  54. Crotalaria retusa
  55. Croton tiglium
  56. Cucumis melo var. utilissimus
  57. Cucumis sativus
  58. Cucumis trigonus
  59. Cucurbita maxima
  60. Cuminum cyminum
  61. Curculigo orchioides
  62. Curcuma amada
  63. Curcuma aromatica
  64. Curcuma longa
  65. Cuscuta reflexa
  66. Cyamopsis tetragonoloba
  67. Cyathula prostrata
  68. Cycas circinalis
  69. Cyclea peltata
  70. Cymbopogon citratus
  71.  Cymbopogon martinii
  72. Cynodon dactylon
  73. Cyperus esculentus
  74. Cyperusrotundus
  75. Dall.ergia sissoo
  76. Datura metel
  77. Daucus carota var. sativa
  78. Delphinium denudatum
  79. Dendrophthoe falcate
  80. Desmodium gangeticum
  81. Desmodium triflorum
  82. Desmostachya bipinnata
  83. Dichrostachys cinerea
  84. Dioscorea alata
  85. Diospyros malabarica
  86. Diplocyclos palmatus
  87. Drynaria quercifolia
  88. Drypetes roxburghii
  89. Eclipta prostrata
  90. Elaeocarpus sphaericus
  91. Elephantopus scaber
  92. Elettaria cardamomum
  93. Eleusine coracana
  94. Embelia ribes
  95. Emilia sonchifolia
  96. Enicostemma axillare
  97. Erythrina variegata
  98. Eucalyptus globulus
  99. Eupatorium triplinerve
  100. Euphorbia antiquorum

Appendix A
Appendix B
Index to Sanskrit Terms
