Transportation Engineering

R Srinivasa Kumar

ISBN: 9789389211160 | Year: 2020 | Paperback | Pages: 428 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: World

Price: 725.00

About the Book

Transportation Engineering conforms to the syllabus of transportation engineering prescribed by AICTE for the undergraduate students of civil engineering. The book includes the latest IRC codes and discusses in detail the functional system characteristics of highway development and planning. It delineates the highway standards and constraints to be considered for arriving at an optimal geometric design for efficient vehicular and pedestrian traffic. It also explains the analysis of different types of vehicle and traffic data collected as part of pavement, component and function studies.

Contributors (Author(s), Editor(s), Translator(s), Illustrator(s) etc.)

R Srinivasa Kumar, faculty member of the Department of Civil Engineering, University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, has a BE in civil engineering and ME and PhD degrees in transportation engineering. He was awarded the Indian Roads Congress Commendation Certificate for the best research paper published in the IRC Journal (2001–02). He has also authored textbooks on highway engineering, pavement design, transportation engineering (railways, airports, docks and harbours), pavement evaluation and maintenance management, and introduction to traffic engineering.

Table of Content


1 Highway Development Planning, Programs and Surveys

1.0 General
1.1 Road Development and Planning in India During the British Rule
1.2 The Jayakar Committee
1.3 Initial Major Road Development Plans in India
1.4 Road Network in India
1.5 Recent Road Developmental Schemes/Activities in India
1.6 Special Accelerated Road Development  Programme for the North-eastern Region
1.7 Rural Roads
1.8 Bharathmala Pariyojana
1.9 Highway Alignment Surveys
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2 Highway Geometric Design

2.0 Introduction
2.1 Vehicle Dimensions
2.2 Terrain Classification
2.3 Design Speed
2.4 Cross-sectional Elements
2.5 Sight Distance
2.6 Super-elevation
2.7 Widening of Carriageway on Curves
2.8 Design of Horizontal Alignment
2.9 Design of Vertical Alignment
2.10 Compensation of Grade on Horizontal Curves
2.11 Vertical Curves
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3 Design Guidelines of Intersections

3.0 Introduction
3.1 Classification of Intersections
3.2 Classification of At-grade Intersections
3.3 Factors Generally Considered in Design of Intersections
3.4 Design Principles of At-grade Intersections
3.5 Principles of Channelisation
3.6 Elements of Channelisation
3.7 Design Criteria and Guidelines of Traffic Rotaries
3.8 Design Guidelines for Grade-separated Intersections
3.9 Classification of Interchanges
3.10 Interchange Configurations
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4 Traffic Engineering and Control

4.0 Introduction
4.1 Traffic Problems
4.2 Road User and Vehicle Characteristics
4.3 Road User
4.4 Vehicle
4.5 Traffic Engineering Studies
4.6 Traffic Volume Studies
4.7 Spot-speed Study
4.8 Traffic Flow Characteristics
4.9 Fundamental Relationships between Traffic Flow Parameters
4.10 Level of Service
4.11 Equivalency Factors
4.12 Origin and Destination Studies
4.13 Travel Time and Delay Studies
4.14 Intersection Delay Studies
4.15 Road Traffic Accident Studies
4.16 Evaluation of Effectiveness of Road Safety Implementation
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5 Traffic Regulation, Control and Devices

5.0 Introduction
5.1 Road Markings
5.2 Road Signs
5.3 Traffic Signals
5.4 Low-cost Traffic Control and Management Techniques
5.5 Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)
5.6 Design of Parking Facilities
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6 Pavement Materials: Soils and Stone Aggregate

6.0 Introduction
6.1 Particle Size Analysis of Soils
6.2 Soil Gradation
6.3 Moisture Content
6.4 Consistency Tests of Soil
6.5 Determination of Soil Compaction
6.6 Strength Determination of Soil
6.7 Strength Properties of Mineral Aggregates
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7 Pavement Materials: Bituminous Binders and Bituminous Paving Mixes

7.0 Introduction
7.1 Desirable Properties of Bitumen for Paving Purposes
7.2 Tests on Bituminous Materials
7.3 Other Binders
7.4 Engineering Properties of Bituminous Materials
7.5 Mix Design
7.6 Bitumen Content Determination by Centrifuge Extraction Method
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8 Pavement Materials: Portland Cement and Cement Concrete

8.0 Introduction
8.1 Cement
8.2 Desirable Properties of Cement
8.3 Mineral Aggregates
8.4 Water
8.5 Admixtures
8.6 Factors Considered for Durable Concrete
8.7 Desirable Properties of Fresh Concrete
8.8 Tests on Hardened Concrete
8.9 Design of Cement Concrete Mix
8.10 Dry Lean Cement Concrete
8.11 Concrete Mix Design for Rural Roads
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9 Factors Affecting Pavement Design and Performance

9.0 Introduction
9.1 Functions of Pavement
9.2 Types of Pavements
9.3 Types of Pavement Selection
9.4 Factors affecting Design of Pavement
9.5 Pavement Performance
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10 Analysis and Design of Flexible Pavements

10.0 Introduction
10.1 Stress Analysis of Flexible Pavement
10.2 Flexible Pavement Structural Design Methods
10.3 Benefits of Pavement Design Based on M–E Method
10.4 Overview on Structural Design of Flexible Pavements as per IRC Guidelines
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11 Analysis and Design of Rigid Pavements
11.0 Introduction
11.1 Analysis of Rigid Pavement
11.2 Software/charts for Analysis of Rigid Pavements
11.3 Types of Rigid Pavements
11.4 Pavement Joints
11.5 Design of Rigid Pavement
11.6 Overview on Design Method of Plain Jointed Rigid Pavements for Highways as per IRC Guidelines
11.7 Design of Dowel Bars
11.8 Design of Tie Bars
11.9 Factors Affecting Performance of Rigid Pavement
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