Blockchain Technology

Chandramouli Subramanian, Asha A George, Abhilash K A and MeenaKarthikeyan

ISBN: 9789389211634 | Year: 2020 | Paperback | Pages: 696 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: World

Price: 1045.00

About the Book

Blockchain Technology explains blockchain in simple terms, guiding the reader through the nuances of how this revolutionary concept builds on the distributed database system to redefine how we store, move and update data.

The book covers the application areas of blockchain in great detail and spells out the crucial difference between Bitcoin and the broader blockchain technology.

The gradual flow of chapters traces the history of blockchain from cryptocurrencies to blockchain technology platforms and applications that are adopted by mainstream financial and industrial domains worldwide due to their ease of use, increased security and transparency.

Incorporating four useful case studies, this book is a much-needed curriculum aid for university students and for those planning to enter the software industry.

Contributors (Author(s), Editor(s), Translator(s), Illustrator(s) etc.)

Chandramouli Subramanianis Associate Director, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Chennai. He works on large-scale mission-critical projects based on blockchain, AI and machine learning.

Asha A George is a certified blockchain and cryptocurrency expert with over 20 years of project program portfolio management experience across multiple industries.

Abhilash K A is a solution architect based in Bengaluru. He specialises in Enterprise Systems, Business Process Modelling, and Distributed Computing.

MeenaKarthikeyan is a digital enterprise solutions expert with over 35 years business experience in Enterprise Solutions Consulting for Process Management and Integration

Table of Content

About the Authors

1. Fundamentals of Blockchain
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Origin of Blockchain
1.3 Blockchain Solution
1.4 Components of Blockchain
1.5 Block in a Blockchain
1.6 The Technology and the Future
Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Short-answer Questions | Essay-type Questions

2. Blockchain Types and Consensus Mechanism
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Decentralization and Distribution
2.3 Types of Blockchain
2.4 Consensus Protocol
Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Short-answer Questions | Essay-type Questions

3. Cryptocurrency – Bitcoin, Altcoin and Token
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Bitcoin and the Cryptocurrency
3.3 Cryptocurrency Basics
3.4 Types of Cryptocurrency
3.5 Cryptocurrency Usage
Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Short-answer Questions | Essay-type Questions

4. Public Blockchain System
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Public Blockchain
4.3 Popular Public Blockchains
4.4 The Bitcoin Blockchain
4.5 Ethereum Blockchain
Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Short-answer Questions | Essay-type Questions

5. Smart Contracts
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Smart Contract
5.3 Characteristics of a Smart Contract
5.4 Types of Smart Contracts
5.5 Types of Oracles
5.6 Smart Contracts in Ethereum
5.7 Smart Contracts in Industry
Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Short-answer Questions | Essay-type Questions

6. Private Blockchain System
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Key Characteristics of Private Blockchain
6.3 Why We Need Private Blockchain
6.4 Private Blockchain Examples
6.5 Private Blockchain and Open Source
6.6 E-commerce Site Example
6.7 Various Commands (Instructions) in E-commerce Blockchain
6.8 Smart Contract in Private Environment
6.9 State Machine
6.10 Different Algorithms of Permissioned Blockchain
6.11 Byzantine Fault
6.12 Multichain
Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Short-answer Questions | Essay-type Questions

7. Consortium Blockchain
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Key Characteristics of Consortium Blockchain
7.3 Why We Need Consortium Blockchain
7.4 Hyperledger Platform
7.5 Overview of Ripple
7.6 Overview of Corda
Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Short-answer Questions | Essay-type Questions

8. Initial Coin Offering
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Blockchain Fundraising Methods
8.3 Launching an ICO
8.4 Investing in an ICO
8.5 Pros and Cons of Initial Coin Offering
8.6 Successful Initial Coin Offerings
8.7 Evolution of ICO
8.8 Ico Platforms
Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Short-answer Questions | Essay-type Questions

9. Security in Blockchain
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Security Aspects in Bitcoin
9.3 Security and Privacy Challenges of Blockchain in General
9.4 Performance and Scalability
9.5 Identity Management and Authentication
9.6 Regulatory Compliance and Assurance
9.7 Safeguarding Blockchain Smart Contract (DApp)
9.8 Security Aspects in Hyperledger Fabric
Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Short-answer Questions | Essay-type Questions

10. Application of Blockchain
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Blockchain in Banking and Finance
10.3 Blockchain in Education
10.4 Blockchain in Energy
10.5 Blockchain in Healthcare
10.6 Blockchain in Real-estate
10.7 Blockchain in Supply Chain
10.8 The Blockchain and IoT
Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Short-answer Questions | Essay-type Questions

11. Limitations and Challenges of Blockchain
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Blockchain Implementation – Limitations
11.3 Blockchain Implementation – Challenges
Summary | Multiple Choice Questions | Short-answer Questions | Essay-type Questions

12. Blockchain Case Studies
12.1 Case Study 1 – Retail
12.2 Case Study 2 – Banking and Financial Services
12.3 Case Study 3 – Healthcare
12.4 Case Study 4 – Energy and Utilities

13. Blockchain Platform using GoLanguage
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Learn How to Execute Your First GolangProgram in Atom
13.3 Know How to Do Basic Programming Using Golang
13.4 Basic Packages in Golang
13.5 Creating Simple Blockchain Using Golang
13.6 Creating Simple Blockchain with Proof-of-Work (PoW)
13.7 Using Golang
13.8 Connecting to Ethereum Using Golang
Summary | Practical Questions (Using Golang)

14. Blockchain Ethereum Platform using Solidity
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Remix IDE
14.3 Structure of a Smart Contract Program
14.4 Using Remix to Write and Run a Solidity Program
14.5 Modifiers
14.6 Events
14.7 Arrays in Solidity
14.8 Function Visibility
14.9 Variable Visibility
14.10 Function Modifier Keyword
14.11 How Funds Are Accepted
14.12 Fallback Function
14.13 Contract Inheritance
14.14 Contract Communicating with Another Contract 586
14.15 External Libraries
14.16 ERC20 Token Transfer
14.17 Error Handling in Solidity
14.18 Application Binary Interface (ABI)
14.19 Swarm (Decentralized Storage Platform)
14.20 Whisper (Decentralized Messaging Platform)
Summary | Practical Questions (Using Ethereum Solidity)

15. Blockchain Platform using Python
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Learn How to Use Python Online Editor
15.3 Basic Programming Using Python
15.4 Python Packages for Blockchain
Summary | Practical Questions (Using Python)

16. Blockchain platform using Hyperledger Fabric
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Components of Hyperledger Fabric Network
16.3 Chaincodes from
16.4 Blockchain Application Using Fabric Java SDK
Summary | Practical Questions (Using Python)

Appendices | Connecting Remix with Ganache; Connecting MyEtherWallet with Ganache; Connecting Remix with Metamask; Model Syllabus for Blockchain Technology
