Table of Content

General Microbiology

1. History and Scope of Microbiology (MI1.1)

2. Basic Concepts of Bacteriology (MI1.1–1.3)

3. Systematic Bacteriology (MI1.1–1.3, 8.9–8.13)

4. Basic Concepts of Virology (MI1.1–1.3, 8.3, 8.9–8.13)

5. Basic Concepts of Mycology (MI1.1–1.3, 8.9–8.13)

6. Basic Concepts of Medical Parasitology (MI1.1–1.3, 8.9–8.13)

7. Microbial Genetics (MI1.1)
8. Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases (MI1.3)

9. Sterilisation and Disinfection (MI1.4 and 1.5) 10. Antimicrobial Agents (MI1.6)

11. Infection Control in Healthcare Settings (MI8.5–8.7)


12. Immunological Mechanisms in Health (MI1.7)

13. Antigens, Antibodies and the Complement System (MI1.7 and 1.8)

14. Mechanisms of Immune Response (MI1.8)

15. Laboratory Methods Used in the Detection of Immunological Response (Antigen–Antibody Reactions) (MI1.10)

16. Hypersensitivity (MI1.10)

17. Autoimmune Disorders and Immunodeficiency States (MI1.10)

18. Immunological Mechanisms of Transplantation, Immunohematology and Tumour Immunity (MI1.11)

19. Immunoprophylaxis (MI1.9)

Microbiology as Applied to Infectious Diseases

20. Cardiovascular and Bloodstream Infections (MI2.1–2.6)

21. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) (MI2.7, 8.15 and 8.16)

22. Infections of the Respiratory System (MI6.1–6.3)

23. Central Nervous System Infections (MI5.1–5.3)

24. Gastrointestinal Infections (MI3.1–3.8) 25. Hepatobiliary Infections (MI3.7 and 3.8) 26. Genitourinary and Sexually Transmitted Infections (MI7.2 and 7.3)

27. Urinary Tract Infections (MI7.3)

28. Skin, Soft Tissue and Musculoskeletal Infections (MI4.1–4.3)

29. Infections of the Eyes and Ears and Congenital Infections (MI8.15)

30. Zoonotic and Vector-Borne Infections (MI8.1)

31. Opportunistic Infections (MI8.2)

32. Emerging Infections (MI8.4)

33. Oncogenic Viruses (MI8.3)

34. National Health Programmes, Disease Detection and Reporting (MI8.16)
