Chemistry Foundation for Class X

Atul Singhal

ISBN: 9789393330253 | Year: 2023 | Paperback | Pages: 436 | Language : English

Book Size: 195 x 260 mm | Territorial Rights: World

Price: 675.00

About the Book

Chemistry Foundation for Class X is a comprehensive resource for students of Class X preparing for the CBSE and ICSE Board examinations. It provides clear and concise explanations and covers all topics in these syllabi, along with a variety of problems drawn from the current and previous years’ question papers. Solutions are provided to every single problem along with hints to crack the tough ones. The book provides a strong foundation which the increasing competition mandates.

Salient features
• The entire curriculum is covered in a lucid manner accompanied by illustrations, equations and formulae.
• It covers the CBSE and ICSE syllabi and lays the foundation for preparation for competitive examinations.
• Solutions to all problems have been provided (there is no unsolved exercise).
• The exercises are divided into Practice questions (school exam-based) and Competition window (competitive exam-based).
• Various types of questions are included—very short, short and long.
• Topic-wise and level-wise MCQs in each chapter (first of its kind).
• Related advanced level concepts highlighted in boxes (Knowledge booster).
• Segment-wise questions and solutions for school exams in each chapter.
• Provides a strong foundation for students of different state boards.
• The book is accompanied by the Orient BlackSwan Smart App that provides chapter-wise NEET–JEE type MCQs, year-wise KVPY papers and year-wise NTSE papers with solutions.

Contributors (Author(s), Editor(s), Translator(s), Illustrator(s) etc.)

Atul Singhal obtained his M.Sc degree (Organic chemistry) in 1996 and Ph.D (Organometallic chemistry) in 2007 from the CCS University, Meerut. He has taught and mentored thousands of students in various institutes since 1996. He is proficient at content creation, designing curricula and guiding students for competitive exams. He has been Centre Head and Academic Head in Brilliant Tutorials, FIITJEE and Vidhya Mandir Classes, and is currently Professor, Institute of Science and Technology, Kansas, Missourie, USA. He is the author of several test preparation books in chemistry.

Table of Content


Chapter 1: Chemical Reactions and Equations
Characteristics or Tests of Chemical Reactions
Chemical Equations
Making Equations More Informative
Types of Chemical Reactions
Combination Reactions
Decomposition Reactions
Displacement Reactions
Double Displacement Reactions
Oxidation and Reduction Reactions
Oxidation Number
Effects of Oxidation Reactions in Everyday Life
Chapter at a Glance
Practice Questions
Competition Window (Objective Type)
Answer Keys
Hints and Solutions

Chapter 2: Mole Concept, Stoichiometry and Behaviour of Gases
Derivation of Formulae of Compounds
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Characteristics of Gases
Gas Laws
Boyle’s Law
Charles’ Law
Gay-Lussac Law of Combining Volumes of Gases
Avogadro’s Law
Avogadro’s Number and Mole Concept
Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure
Graham’s Law of Diffusion
Difference between Diffusion and Effusion
Expression of Concentration of Solution
Limiting Reagent
Empirical and Molecular Formulae of a Compound
Gravimetric Analysis
Percentage Purity
Chapter at a Glance
Practice Questions 7
Competition Window (Objective Type)
Answer Keys
Hints and Solutions

Chapter 3: Atomic Structure
Atomic Number (Z)
Rutherford’s Atomic Model
Quantum Theory
Black Body Radiation
Electronic Structure of Atoms
Bohr’s Atomic Model
Sommerfeld Atomic Model
de Broglie Equation and Dual Nature Theory
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
Sub-Orbit and Orbitals
Quantum Numbers
Electronic Configuration
Pauli Exclusion Principle
Aufbau’s Principle or (n + l) Rule
Hund’s Rule of Maximum Multiplicity
Chapter at a Glance
Practice Questions 6
Competition Window (Objective Type)
Answer Keys
Hints and Solutions

Chapter 4: Periodic Table and Periodic Properties
Genesis of Periodic Classification
Mendeleev’s Periodic Law
Mendeleev’s Periodic Table
Modern Periodic Law
Modern Periodic Table
Long Form of Periodic Table
Types of Elements
Trends in Periodic Properties
Ionisation Enthalpy (IE)
Electron Gain Enthalpy or Electron Affinity (EA)
Nature of Oxides and Hydroxides
Chapter at a Glance
Practice Questions
Competition Window (Objective Type)
Answer Keys
Hints and Solutions

Chapter 5: Chemical Bonding
Octet Rule
Chemical Bond
Types of Bonds
Covalent Bond
Coordinate or Dative or Semi-polar Bonds
Metallic Bonding
Hydrogen Bonding
Concept of Orbital Overlapping
Types of Overlapping
Hybridisation and Geometry (Shape) of Covalent Compounds
Chapter at a Glance
Practice Questions
Competition Window (Objective Type)
Answer Keys
Hints and Solutions

Chapter 6: Acids, Bases and Salts
Theories of Acids and Bases
Indicators for Testing Acids and Bases
Olfactory Indicators
Universal Indicator
The Classical Molecular Theory of Acids, Bases and Salts
Theories of Acid and Bases
Bronsted Lowry Concept or Proton Concept
Lewis Concept of Acids and Bases
Water of Crystallisation
Hygroscopic Substances
Deliquescent Substances
Drying and Dehydrating Agents
Neutralisation Reaction
Heat of Neutralisation
pH Scale
Salt Hydrolysis
Chapter at a Glance
Practice Questions
Competition Window (Objective Type)
Answer Keys
Hints and Solutions

Chapter 7: Electrolysis and Electrochemistry
Conductor and Insulator
Electrolytic Cell
Electrolytic Dissociation
Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation
Process and Features of Electrolysis
Faraday’s Laws of Electrolysis
Electrochemical Cell
Galvanic or Daniell Cell
Electrochemical Series
Preferential or Selective Discharge of Ions at Electrodes
Some Applications of Electrolysis
Electrolytic Refining of Metals
Chapter at a Glance
Practice Questions 9
Competition Window (Objective Type)
Answer Keys
Hints and Solutions

Chapter 8: Metals and Non-metals
Comparative Study of Metals and Non-metals
Physical Properties
Chemical Properties
Physical Properties
Chemical Properties
The Activity Series of Metals
Occurrence and Extraction of Metals
General Metallurgical Processes
Reduction of Metal Oxides into Free Metals
Refining or Purification of Metals
Physical Methods
Chemical Methods
Metallurgy of Aluminum
Metallurgy of Copper
Metallurgy of Zinc
Metallurgy of Iron
Important Alloys and Their Uses
Chapter at a Glance
Practice Questions
Competition Window (Objective Type)
Answer Keys
Hints and Solutions

Chapter 9: Carbon and its Compounds
Carbon Always Forms Covalent Bonds
Carbon is Tetravalent
Self-combination or Catenation
ccurrence of Carbon
Allotropes of Carbon
Coal and Petroleum
How Coal was Formed
How Petroleum was Formed
Chemical Properties of Carbon Compounds
Structure of a Soap Molecule
Cleansing Action of Soaps and Detergents
Amino Acids
Chapter at a Glance
Practice Questions
Competition Window (Objective Type)
Answer Keys
Hints and Solutions

Chapter 10: Organic Chemistry
Features of Carbon/Reasons for Large Number of Organic Compounds
Classification of Organic Compounds
Functional Group
Homologous Series
IUPAC System (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry)
Structural or Constitutional Isomerism
Stereoisomerism or Spatial Isomerism
Different Types of Formulae of Organic Compounds
Some Important Chemical Compounds
Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
Carboxylic Acids
Chapter at a Glance
Practice Questions
Competition Window (Objective Type)
Answer Keys
Hints and Solutions

Chapter 11: Chemical Kinetics and Chemical Equilibrium
Types of Reactions
Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction and Rate Constant
Collision Theory
Rate Law and Order of Reaction
Order of Reaction
First Order Reactions
Zero Order Reactions
Chemical Equilibrium
Active Mass or Molar Concentration
Law of Mass Action
Equilibrium Constant
Equilibrium Constant in Terms of Partial Pressure
Le Chatelier Principle
Chapter at a Glance
Practice Questions
Competition Window (Objective Type)
Answer Keys
Hints and Solutions

Chapter 12: Study of Compounds
Hydrogen Chloride
Ammonia (NH3)
Favourable Conditions for the Formation of Ammonia
Fountain Experiment
Brown Ring Test
Nitric Acid (HNO3)
Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4)
Practical Chemistry
Identification of Ions
Flame Test
Identification of Cations
Identification of Anions
Action of Heat on Copper Carbonate and Zinc Carbonate
Action of Heat on Zinc Nitrate, Copper Nitrate and Lead Nitrate
Chapter at a Glance
Practice Questions
Competition Window (Objective Type)
Answer Keys
Hints and Solutions
